Charles F. Reilly is a Business Development Specialist; focused on the San Francisco Bay Area.  Centered  on building new Project Revenue and enhancing Return on Investment.  California Real Estate License; Graduate Degree in Business.  20 years of Construction Project Management experience.



Charles F. Reilly is a Business Development Specialist; focused on the San Francisco Bay Area.  Centered  on building new Project Revenue and enhancing Return on Investment.  California Real Estate License; Graduate Degree in Business.  20 years of Construction Project Management experience.

Make Rain Your Partner !

A note from Chuck Reilly ...

Water is a destructive element that can compromise the strength and durability of a building. It can cause structural damage, promote mold growth, and create an unhealthy living environment. Now's the time to HELP your clients.  Offer to help with Roofing and Waterproofing Services.  Even exterior painting.  Later you'll have their trust, and their business ... !

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Commercial Business Development - - Now is NOT the time to slow down !

Right now, nobody really knows the future of Commercial office properties ... Will the Pandemic permanently reduce the demand for space? Or, next year, will things return to normal?

Either way, you can still develop new clients - and spend even less.

Modern buildings use centralized, digital management of a building’s HVAC, lighting, and security, through a connected “Building Management System”. (BMS). Your BAS should increase building energy efficiency and reduce maintenance costs.
A Building Management System electronically connects microprocessors and switches that monitor efficiency and performance. Additionally, smart controllers can be networked to the internet or serve as a stand-alone system for a local peer-to-peer or campus Facilities Department.

Clean, Fresh Air!

Here in Silicon Valley, we're all looking for clean, healthy buildings. Both Owners and employees want clean, fresh-smelling surroundings  Air in buildings is typically moved through the spaces using large electric fan units known as "air handlers". In most buildings, the air handlers draw a percentage of fresh air from the outside, mix it with ambient air from within the building, and then use the heating and air conditioning system or cool it, as well as dehumidify it or add humidity depending on the location and time of year.
The more pure, clean air that comes, the more bacterial infectious air goes out.